seven hundred forty seven



… Brain like rock formations above “The Wave” in North Coyote Buttes just south of the Utah Arizona border near Kanab, UT. There are so many different weird geological formations in this part of the country. Everywhere you look is something totally different in texture, shape or color.

six hundred seventy two

earth wind and water


… A close up of part of The Wave. One could spend all day at this “little” 2 acre section of the North Coyote Buttes wandering around all the interesting rock formations. I spent a few hours there, but the impending rain storm called me back to camp early. It is about a 3 mile hike (6 miles round trip) to the Wave from the Wire Pass Trailhead on House Rock Road south of Highway 89. The trail starts in Utah, but the Wave is actually in Arizona. It is well worth the hike if you are lucky enough to get drawn for the wilderness permit. Only 20 people are allowed each day at the Wave to keep it a wilderness area and provide a certain amount of solitude.